Water points
drillings supervised
Millions liters

BASEflow is an award-winning Malawian social enterprise, founded in 2017, that is working to improve the sustainability of groundwater sources in rural Malawi. BASEflow is legally registered in Malawi with NGO Board (registration number NGO/L/18/054) and CONGOMA (registration number C1150/2018). 

An estimated 11.5 million Malawians access groundwater, through handpumps, for drinking and small-scale agriculture – making it the primary source of safe drinking water for rural populations. However, almost 1/3 of water points are non-functional at any one time which diminishes safe water access resulting in a domino effect of increased risk of contracting water-borne diseases, productivity losses, and wasted water supply investments which we estimate to be at US$ 54 million for handpumps alone.

This has to change!



This is more than just planting trees! BASEflow aims to revitalize the environment by firstly understanding the drivers of deforestation and finding economic incentives that improve household incomes, create employment and sustain the environment.

Catchment Protection

BASEflow will not be here forever! We believe a strong government, at all levels, is crucial to providing quality water services. We invest time and resources in building the capacity of government stakeholders to do their jobs better, enforce service delivery standards and hold service providers accountable, where necessary.

Capacity Building

Traditional maintenance models have yielded unimpressive results. Using model technology, BASEflow aims to trial alternative service models that are proactive, rather than reactive, and are informed by principles of demand and supply that are contextually appropriate.

Preventative Maintenance

Through leveraging business partnerships, BASEflow is delivering a portfolio of water-related products and services which ensure households have access to clean drinking water and provide an alternative income stream for our charitable work.

Social Enterprise

of hand pumps are broken
down at any one time
0 %

News and Updates

Check out our 2018 Annual Report video.

Lately, we have been asking ourselves whether we should do an annual report for 2018. A lot of organizations do it out of habit with little proof that people actually read them. We decided to do...

VIDEO – Jordani: the well that never stops flowing.

Artesian water is groundwater that is under pressure when tapped by a borehole and, usually, rises to the surface unaided by expensive infrastructure. Malawi has approximately 33 artesian wells across...
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